vintage pink

Friday, June 12, 2009

This week..

I think this week has taken more out of me than I even thought I had to give. Sometimes, things just hit you when you least expect it.
My sweet Grandma is clinging to life in a nursing home. I want her to be out of pain and to be "in a better place," but at the same time I desperately want her here with me. I'm so selfish! I love her so much, and it will be so hard when she goes.
I just want to throw questions out to the universe - why does Heavenly Father allow people to remain on the earth when they are basically in a vegetative state? What is her purpose here? Is there something she needs to learn? Is there something her family needs to learn? I just don't understand...
I never thought I'd lose both of my remaining grandparents in the same year. Ugh. I can at least take comfort in the fact that she got to meet my cute baby. And I know I will see her again.
I love you Grandma!


Tiffany said...

I am so sorry, Jill. I went through the similar experiences, both with my grandparents, my dad, and Bryan's dad. The only thing I can tell you is that there is definitely a purpose and plan behind their lingering. Some of it, I believe, is for them. Most of it though, I think is for our benefit. I won't go into everything I learned while we watched and waited for my relatives to go home, because the list is long, & I am sure they would be different from what you are learning. I will say that I learned more about the Plan of Happiness during those times, than any other time of my life. Your grandma is not alone right now, and when the time comes for her to go, she will be ready, and happy to go. Love you.

Unknown said...

I understand what you are talking about with regards to Grandma Cook. She is a wonderful example of Christlike Service. She is an awesome woman. She is clinging to those here and then there are those on the other side that are pulling her to them, such as grandpa Cook and Nathan. Think of that reunion with other love ones she hasn't seen in a long time. Just as grandpa Tanner was greeted by grandma Tanner and Nathan and family he has not seen in a very long time we are blessed by the knowledge that we can be together again.
I love you Jill and if you ever need me I am here,as a cousin, and a friend.

Megan said...

I'm so sorry. Someday we will have all the answers...but it isn't on our time, only His. We'll keep you in our prayers!

Eight for Eternity said...

I agree on all accounts! This sucks yet I am grateful for my testimony of the plan of salvation. Wish it didn't have to hurt though :) Love you sista!

Beautiful Tanner Girls

Beautiful Tanner Girls
Me with my Mom, Sisters, and Niece