As many of you may already know, Jason and I were recently told that we're not going to be able to conceive children without some sort of assistance. This being said, I've gotten some interesting comments from people unaware that we're not pregnant due to our own personal preferences.
I enjoy making light of things. I need to laugh about things rather than crying. I decided to compile a list of things you shouldn't say to people that can't conceive. (And you never know who that may be, so let's just be careful people!) :)
1. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were pregnant. Oh gee thanks! I am pretty sure that you just called me fat! That's just what I needed to start my Monday.
2. Did you forget how to make a baby? Yeah, I forgot to take notes that day in health class. Would you mind refreshing my memory - with colored illustrations and all?
3. It's okay that you haven't had more kids. You probably couldn't handle more than one. Saying it with a smile doesn't make it funny. Rude, definitely. But not funny. See? I'm not laughing!
4. Don't you think it's time you gave Emslee (or substitute any name you want,) a sibling? Sure! I'd love to! Are you offering to donate one of yours?
5. Just quit trying. It always happens when you're not trying. Oh my mistake! I guess the doctors are wrong. The answer isn't medications or injections or even in vitro, it's doing nothing! And remind me, what medical school did you go to?
In all seriousness, it's already been quite the journey medically for us in our 5 1/2 years of marriage. While this little bump in the road wasn't quite what we expected, we know that we'll get through it with the love and support of our friends and family. We are so blessed to be surrounded by so many that love us!