vintage pink

Friday, August 21, 2009

Emslee is 5 months old today!

Wow, how time flies! Emslee is already five months old. I swear, seventeen is around the corner! She'll be there before we know it. It has been so fun to watch her grow, and to see her discover new things every day. She's learned so much already. She laughs A LOT, smiles at anyone who will pay any attention to her, she rolls over and scoots around on the floor. The other day I left her on a blanket in the middle of the floor of her room for a couple minutes and when I peeked back in, she was halfway out the doorway! Looks like we'll be investing in some baby gates here very soon.
Plus, within the last couple days she has started sitting up! She's still a little unsteady but she will sit there (hunched over a bit) for a few minutes. She's amazing!
Her newest thing lately has been her new "language." Rather than the cute coo's and ba-ba's she started out saying, she now speaks by squealing...loudly. I'm sure our neighbors could attest that she has become quite the talker. She loves to wake her daddy up at 3 am and have a conversation with him. She will push her face into his and start squealing until he wakes up and talks back to her. I just love the way her face lights up when he talks to her. It's adorable!

This is our sweet little baby - showing off and sitting up!


Tiffany said...

she is so so so cute :)

Eight for Eternity said...

Oh my gosh!! Tell her to stop growing. She is so stinkin adorable, I just lover her! Enjoy everyday, before you know it they are off to Junior High. Ugh. Thanks for sharing your little angel's update, I hate being so far away. I miss you! Love you!

Megan said...

I hear you about them growing up to quickly, my baby is 1 on Friday! She sure is cute, I love her big eyes and all of her hair! Yea for sitting up! :)

Jani Jo said...

Emslee, Aunt Jani misses you! Please come see me. If your mom & dad won't drive you, maybe you can 'scoot' your way up to Idaho:)
-Jill, seriously, you have got to make her stop growing up so fast. I'm dead serious.

Mindy said...

Jill, she is so stinkin cute! I can't believe how fast she is growing. So fun. I can't wait for our baby! It will be so much fun!

Beautiful Tanner Girls

Beautiful Tanner Girls
Me with my Mom, Sisters, and Niece