vintage pink

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Post #3

So I thought I should update the ol' blog again.
We went and saw the cardiothoracic surgeon. The news wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible either. In all of my research and planning, I forgot one important thing about the mini-maze surgery. It only fixes AFib. Jason is experiencing AFib, but he also has AFlutter. So....the surgery would very likely fix his AFib but it is possible that down the road he would continue to have episodes of AFlutter. There is a small chance that the AFlutter is a consequence of the AFib, and with the surgery they could both be fixed, but it's not incredibly likely.
The surgeon wants us to get an echo done, meet with Jason's regular cardiologist again, and then come back and see him in June. In the meantime he's going to send a letter to the cardiologist and hopefully between the two of them they can reach some kind of a happy medium that will, in turn, be able to help Jason.
Even after we go through the next month (and the 4 cardiologist appointments we have scheduled), it is possible that the only option for Jason may be the AV node ablation. When we heard that from the surgeon, it was difficult to swallow. Basically, we have to come to terms with the fact that Jason may never get better.
I have been struggling with this, I'll admit, (as I'm sure you wonderful readers have picked up on through my last two posts), but after being able to digest it for awhile I'm realizing that everything really is going to be okay.
My brother Abe is convinced that HF is allowing this to happen to Jason because after the trial, there is always bound to be huge blessings. Abe says we should be as excited as a kid on Christmas Eve, waiting for the biggest present of our lives. He keeps reminding me that just around the corner, something great is waiting to happen.
So I've decided rather than focusing on how much this could end up stinkin', I'm gonna keep my eyes peeled for that elusive corner. Who knows? Abe's a smart fella. He just might know what he's talking about...

1 comment:

The Skiby Family said...

Sorry to hear your little family is going through such trials. Sending lots of love and well wishes your way.

Beautiful Tanner Girls

Beautiful Tanner Girls
Me with my Mom, Sisters, and Niece