vintage pink

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The saga continues...

DISCLAIMER: if you do not enjoy or simply do not wish to hear me whine, moan, and complain DISCONTINUE reading immediately and navigate to a happier, more optimistic website.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
Today Jason experienced yet another setback in his journey to good physical health. It seems that after two years of assumed progression, he is again staring into the void of the unknown. We were informed today in not so many words that Jase is running out of options. The ablations that usually conquer the problem for everyone else simply haven't worked for him. (He has had 4.)
Because my blog is private, I feel I have the right to state my true feelings. Frankly, I'm angry. Why can't he just be allowed to live his life like a normal 28 year old? Why does he have to go through this?
He didn't do anything wrong to deserve this infernal heart condition.
He has very capable, confident doctors. Why can't anyone permanently remedy the problem? He already has so much to deal with. He's blind for heaven's sake. Isn't that tribulation enough? He tries so hard to be a good husband, to provide for his family, all the while attending
school in order to better himself and secure his future. If the Lord is expecting him to learn something from all this nonsense, after 6 surgeries we're obviously missing something. Maybe He ought to try a different method of getting the lesson across?
I don't mean to sound ungrateful. When I talked to my mom on the phone earlier this evening, she was quick to remind me that it could always be worse. She gave the example of a family in her ward whose situation is a lot more dire than ours. They tried for years to conceive and
finally have the precious gift of a baby. But...their little one has some very serious heart defects, ones that have rendered their home uninhabitable for his little body. They are unable to bring him home, and due to all the time the dad was spending away from work to be with his son, he lost his job. On top of that, during a trip to the hospital the family car was totaled.
As usual, my mom is right. Comparatively speaking, what Jason is experiencing is slight. I would much rather deal with my burdens than those of that poor family.
If I had my very own Genie in a magic lamp, the only wish I would have is to allow me to shoulder this heavy load for Jason. Oh how I wish I could give him the ability to see a rainbow, to experience the beautiful colors of a blossoming spring, or to run and play with his
daughter without having to stop and catch his breath.
When is it going to be enough? How much adversity will he have to withstand before he has proven himself? He has been through so much already. He is a completely different person than he was five years ago. Just the other day he came across the transcript of the blessing he gave Emslee shortly after she was born. He read it and proceeded to ask me if, back when I first met him, I ever would have fathomed him even holding the priesthood, let alone standing in front of a packed chapel and conferring blessings on his child.
He is so strong. He sacrifices so much for our little family, and rarely complains. I absolutely, unequivocally, could not do what he does. He talks to his doctors about open heart surgery with such grace (not choking back tears like me.)
I know that in the end, he will be okay. He's a fighter. He has been promised that he will live a long life, and trust me, I am holding Heavenly Father to that promise. :)


Kristen said...

Oh man, Jill, that all sounds so awful. I have no words of wisdom for you except that you guys are much stronger than I could ever be, because even though you are angry (and who WOULDN'T be??) you are handling it much better than I'm sure I would. I'm sorry for what you're going through, but I'm sure HFather has lots of blessings in store for you guys. I hope things start looking up soon. HUGS HUGS!

Jani Jo said...

Seriously, I have no "right things" to say. But I really,truly love you guys. And the thought that keeps coming to ME, is that YOU two don't have to prove anything.......but you have no idea the effect you have on EVERYBODY around you. You make all of us see the bright side because of your unwavering faith and endurance. So, thank you Jill & Jason. Love yoU!

Tiffany said...

All I can say is, I'm sorry. I can understand to a small extent. I have felt much the same way many times over the past few years. The one thing I hold on to is that Heavenly Father knows exactly what is wrong with our husbands, and why, and exactly what it would take to fix them. So if He isn't sending the answer down in a shining beam of light from heaven, I have to believe there is a reason for His silence. At some point, I hope to understand that reason. But for now, I eat chocolate :) It's our own fault for marrying such wonderful people...if we would have married bums it probably would be a lot easier ey ;) Hang in there! You guys are awesome, and it will all work out. luv ya!

KatieLarson said...

Prayers and love coming your way from us. I know its not enough, but I can only hope that something will happen to make this burden easier to deal with. Loves!

Megan said...

I know that no words I can say will make you feel better about the situation. Please just know that your family will be in our prayers and we are hoping for the best! :)

Eight for Eternity said...

Ok, well of course you know we love you all with all of our hearts!

I know I don't get everything you are going through, no one, but you, ever will! You are one very strong woman, and Jason is a very blessed man to have you! Jason is one strong man, and you are very blessed to have him! Emee is just all around blessed to have the two of you!

I wish I too could make it all better, but for you both!

I totally understand how you feel about trials in general! If there is anything I can do from here you better just ask!

I hope you get better answers soon, and you are in all of our prayers of course!

You amaze us all, and I hope I can be as strong as you are while dealing with Tanner's heart in the future!

Love you sista!!

Beautiful Tanner Girls

Beautiful Tanner Girls
Me with my Mom, Sisters, and Niece