vintage pink

Monday, March 23, 2009

The "New" Love of Our Lives!!!

Emslee JoRene Gast, born March 21st, 2009. She was born at 1:44 am and weighed 7 pounds 2 ounces, and was 21 inches long.

How She Arrived:

Well on Friday morning around six, Jill woke me up and informed me that her water broke. As soon as I came to (which was almost instantaneously) and asked her how she knew that her water broke. She pointed down and I saw a spot on our sheets, and then I heard a huge splash, (like a water balloon that just hit the pavement). Then
I rushed in to wake up Karyn, (Jill's younger sister, who is living with us) to tell her the good news. After calling her midwifes, Jill found out that she had a few options of what to do next. Her choices were to either come in right then and be examined, or she could wait at home until she felt enough contractions to go to the hospital. She decided to stay home. Finally after six frustrating hours with no contractions, we decided to go to the hospital to get ready to welcome our little girl.

After we arrived at the hospital, we found out that she would need to be induced to start her labor. After she was induced she started to feel a few contractions. She really is an amazing person, after going through what seemed like an eternity (which was in fact six hours) Jill had enough of the pain and decided to have an epidural. Oh and after that she was in heaven. She couldn't feel her pain anymore and was just ready to have her baby. And then we played the waiting game. And we waited, and waited and waited until just before 1 am when Jill told the nurse it was time to deliver our baby. Push after push, Emslee was finally here. Oh and what a miracle it was watching our baby girl being brought into this world. And for being two and a half weeks early, baby Emslee is just fine. And the next day, after talking with the doctors, and having Emslee go through all of the tests they finally let us go home.

Currently the baby and mommy are doing great, with no problems. Emslee is the first to join our family and we welcomed her with open arms. She truly is a miracle from God. And to be honest after looking back at everything that went down in the past few days, things couldn't have gone better. She truly is beautiful. Our little Angel from up above in heaven is finally here. We love Emslee and we can't wait to see what the future has in store for us!


Megan said...

Congrats again! I'm glad to hear there were no major complications. Can't wait to see pictures! :)

Cammie said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!

AK girl said...

We are so excited for you and can't wait to meet our new neice! We love you!
Abe & Sarah

SuzQuez said...

YEA!!! Pictures!

(Susan Andersen)

The Skiby Family said...

What a nice post, Jason. I'm so glad that mom and baby are doing well.

Drew, Emms, Mcky, and Hara said...

Jason, that is such a sweet post,you sound like a very proud father and husband.

Beautiful Tanner Girls

Beautiful Tanner Girls
Me with my Mom, Sisters, and Niece