vintage pink

Sunday, December 6, 2009

8 month birthday...Yes, I'm slow.

I am way behind on my posts, so I am making a super valiant effort to get caught up today. Emslee turned 8 months old on November 21st. Just for the record, I did take these pics on that day...I'm just now getting them posted. :)

Emslee is officially mobile! She crawls EVERYWHERE and is into EVERYTHING. She is the most curious baby I have ever seen. She loves to discover. She says "Mom" and "Dad" and she understands the words bath, diaper, no, and tummy. She loves to giggle and is constantly smiling and showing off her two (soon to be four) front teeth. She loves making people laugh, splashing in water, "getting" daddy, and playing with her aunt Kare-Kare. She also loves making this hilarious clicking sound with her tongue. She does it all the time - it is so adorable! One of her other favorite things to do is say "blah blah blah" while you are talking to her. She already has an attitude! Oh great, we're in for it!


Eight for Eternity said...

What a gorgeous girl you have! You are very blessed! I can't wait to see her over Christmas break!

Wortham Family said...

Oh jill she is just adorable, i love your family picture it's so pretty. Hope you all doing well and i hope you guys have a wonderfull christmas!

Beautiful Tanner Girls

Beautiful Tanner Girls
Me with my Mom, Sisters, and Niece