vintage pink

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fishy! Fishy!

Emslee absolutely adores taking baths. But then, I've never met a child that didn't. I love shampooing her hair and then sculpting it into all sorts of random forms. We have such fun! I'm so glad my little girl was blessed with so much long beautiful hair!


Eight for Eternity said...

What a cute fishy you have there Jill, you are blessed to have her enjoy baths so much! Remember how scared Josh was of the water? Count that bathing beauty as a huge blessing :)

Jani Jo said...

Emee, you are the CUTEST fish ever!

I am so envious of that long hair.... :( Someday....

Beautiful Tanner Girls

Beautiful Tanner Girls
Me with my Mom, Sisters, and Niece